Year: 2019

3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange

Afternoon tea and networking

On a sunny afternoon on 17th July 2019, academic and professional colleagues came together on the 6th floor at Bunhill Row for the 3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange. The two-hour event was again introduced by Dr Martin Rich, Course Director, BSc Business Management, who co-hosted with Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD). Once again colleagues…Continue Reading 3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange

Growing Access To Lecture Capture – the GALA Project Launches

an image that shows an example of the lecture capture signage used in rooms, purpose to give and inviting image to the blog post

“Lecture capture is life changing. I took a course where the subject matter was really new to me. It was really late in the semester before I felt like the key concepts clicked. Lecture capture meant I could go back and watch lectures again, and get a better appreciation for the content that built on…Continue Reading Growing Access To Lecture Capture – the GALA Project Launches

Learning Analytics Project Update – October 2019

Pic of learning analytics

OBJECTIVES The Learning Analytics Project (LeAP) is a project that focuses on implementing a central data dashboard to provide staff with a clearer picture of student engagement with educational activities across modules and programmes. The dashboard’s visualisations could help staff to identify which students are at risk and those students can be provided with appropriate, tailored and timely support…Continue Reading Learning Analytics Project Update – October 2019

4th Innovative Learning Spaces Summit

Blogpost from Barcelona, September 2019. Day 1 The conference, branded as the 4th Innovative Learning Spaces Summit organised by Luxatia International was chaired by Mark Swales, Head of Estates and Facilities from Sheffield Hallam University. He gave each presenter a clear introduction and managed the Q&A sessions well afterwards. One of the most positive aspects was his…Continue Reading 4th Innovative Learning Spaces Summit

Refusal and leadership – keynotes from the Academic Practice and Technology (APT) conference

Logo for APT conference

By Julie Voce and Sarah Ney “Value the people who refuse. They are the ones you should be learning from” (Lanclos, 2019) Dr Donna Lanclos opened the 17th Academic Practice and Technology (APT) conference with a keynote entitled Listening to Refusal which started by critiquing the Department for Education policy paper Realising the potential of…Continue Reading Refusal and leadership – keynotes from the Academic Practice and Technology (APT) conference

Interrogating the #HolographicAcademic at #ALTc

cover of 'Speculative Everything' book

#altc First session, a design workshop for telepresent future learning with @dompates – Holography and HE and Speculative learning design #HolographicAcademic — Dr Sarah Copeland (@XarahC) September 3, 2019 If holographic projection was introduced and adopted by universities, what impacts might there be on teaching and learning? In September 2019, I made my first…Continue Reading Interrogating the #HolographicAcademic at #ALTc

Join LEaDER on Wednesday 30th October

LEaDER lectures and seminars: To inform and inspire Open to all City, University of London staff Sign up for this event    Join us for an afternoon presented by leading experts in educational research and innovation. Programme Workshop: Writing and publishing REF papers from pedagogic research with Professor Debby Cotton – 2.15pm – 3.45pm, C307, Tait Building…Continue Reading Join LEaDER on Wednesday 30th October

Data, predictions and hidden learning environments at ALT-C

Laptop showing analytics dashboard

This year’s Association for Learning Technology conference (ALT-C) was themed Data, Dialogue, Doing. As we have just finished phase one of our Learning Analytics Project (LeAP), I attended with my Learning Analytics hat on to find out more about what others in the sector are doing. Sue Beckingham’s opening keynote set the scene by talking…Continue Reading Data, predictions and hidden learning environments at ALT-C

AI in STEM Education

computer code on a screen

AI means “any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals” (1). The discussions often centre around the mechanisms used in the perceiving, the maximising algorithms or the data sources which describe our environment. The wider discussion of what the goals of the system are is…Continue Reading AI in STEM Education