Category: Conferences & Events

LEaD Writing Group – Developing your creativity

This month’s theme for the LEaD Writing Group was creativity. We started by using an activity suggested by Heather Leach in The Road to Somewhere: A Creative Writing Companion. Stretch the imaginative muscle (Leach, 2014). Choose any object that you have around you. In our case, I gave the participants a book. Make a list…Continue Reading LEaD Writing Group – Developing your creativity

BETT 2017 -The potential and challenges of technology enhanced learning

Recently, I was lucky enough to attend the annual BETT exhibition . This was my third visit to BETT since 2010 and my first with an HE hat on. It continues to grow in size and frankly the quantity of stuff on display boggles the mind. Here are a few of my key impressions of the…Continue Reading BETT 2017 -The potential and challenges of technology enhanced learning

LEaD Writing Group – Review

The LEaD Writing Group has been running for just over 6 months now. The group was set up to encourage more staff to contribute to the Learning at City blog and to provide a time and space for people to do some writing. The sessions aim to provide activities to help staff to develop their writing…Continue Reading LEaD Writing Group – Review

Learning at City – Top 10 blog posts of the year by number of views…

This blog post looks back on the top 10 blog posts on our Learning at City blog that have been viewed the most (many are from previous years as you will see), with a brief summary of what they covered and a link to the blog post in case you want to read them An…Continue Reading Learning at City – Top 10 blog posts of the year by number of views…

Advent with an Educational Tip until Christmas

Following last year’s Twitter experiment #appventcityunilead, this year, via our Twitter account @CityUniLEaD, we’ll be tweeting an Educational Tip every day at 12 noon with the hashtag #edventcityunilead  until 24th December using a Twitter Scheduler (edvent a play on the word advent, but with no chocolate involved!) It may include a link to a blog…Continue Reading Advent with an Educational Tip until Christmas

21ST Annual SEDA Conference – Surviving and Thriving – Effective Innovation and Collaboration in the New Higher Education

03 November 2016 – 04 November 2016 This conference was focused on the two themes of innovation and collaboration. As Higher Education has become more complex new and experienced staff have different needs and so the support and development they need has grown in both number and complexity. Many developers have met this challenge with…Continue Reading 21ST Annual SEDA Conference – Surviving and Thriving – Effective Innovation and Collaboration in the New Higher Education

Playful Learning – School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – November 2016

Following the success of the the first two Teaching and Learning Innovators Event in January and May, we as LEaD at SHS put on the 3rd Teaching and Learning Innovators Event on Monday 23rd May 12-1pm, focused around playful learning, 12 people attended. Thank you Rosa Benato for running the session. Below is Rosa’s method…Continue Reading Playful Learning – School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – November 2016

Reflections on remote conferencing

#altc Tweetdeck search

ALT-C (the Association of Learning Technologies Conference) is the UK’s premier gathering of people from across the learning technology spectrum. I attended my first ALT-C in 2014 – a smorgasbord of sectoral experiences and ideas to sample, snack and binge on. In 2016, I was drawn back into its orbit, but via forms of remote…Continue Reading Reflections on remote conferencing

Innovations in STEM teaching

Earlier this year, I attended the HEA STEM 2016 conference. This post details some of the highlights from the event. With a conference theme centred around inspiring, supporting and sharing excellent practice in STEM teaching and learning, I was particularly interested in sessions that focused on innovations in STEM teaching. I found inspiration at ones run…Continue Reading Innovations in STEM teaching

Academic study skills workshops

Woman reading in Library

Are you keen for your students to develop their writing skills or improve their referencing? Then tell them about the wide-ranging series of lunchtime study skills workshops that LEaD are offering this autumn. See the full timetable here. Next week’s sessions are –  Monday. 3rd Oct. – Referencing and avoiding plagiarism, 1:00 – 1:50 in C302 Tuesday…Continue Reading Academic study skills workshops