Category: Conferences & Events

Data, predictions and hidden learning environments at ALT-C

Laptop showing analytics dashboard

This year’s Association for Learning Technology conference (ALT-C) was themed Data, Dialogue, Doing. As we have just finished phase one of our Learning Analytics Project (LeAP), I attended with my Learning Analytics hat on to find out more about what others in the sector are doing. Sue Beckingham’s opening keynote set the scene by talking…Continue Reading Data, predictions and hidden learning environments at ALT-C

Learning Design Bootcamp

Photo of Learning Design Bootcamp notebook

Last month saw the culmination of the Learning Design Bootcamp I have been involved with and it has been an interesting experience to see how the teams have progressed through the bootcamp. The bootcamp was the idea of Dr Maria Toro-Troconis from CEG Digital and co-ordinated by a committee involving representatives from a number of…Continue Reading Learning Design Bootcamp

Post maternity leave – a refresher’s synopsis of City’s events 2019

getting ready for the autumn term 2023

I have been most fortunate this year to have had the privilege of attending several events at our university and I am truly grateful for that especially after returning from my second maternity leave. When you return to work after an extended period, in many ways, it does feel like you are starting again, therefore it’s…Continue Reading Post maternity leave – a refresher’s synopsis of City’s events 2019

Did you know that City has the second highest percentage of commuter students in the UK?

Man on platform as tube train goes past

According to a recent report by HEPI, 63.9% of full-time, UK domiciled, undergraduate students are living in the ‘parental/guardian home’, which means they are classed as ‘commuter students’. Before coming to City, I have to admit that I hadn’t really come across the term before, but it’s certainly one that I have become more acquainted…Continue Reading Did you know that City has the second highest percentage of commuter students in the UK?

Students as Producers: the Digital History Vault

In June, the School of Arts and Social Sciences held its first Learning and Teaching Awards. Our own Connie Tse and Dina Fainberg, lecturer in Modern History, presented the Digital Vault project, a student-produced database of historical documents, for which they won the runner-up prize.   What is the Digital History Vault?  The Digital Vault is…Continue Reading Students as Producers: the Digital History Vault

The Design and Management of Learning Environments – ‘Integrated Approaches for Influencing Value and Change’

Back in May I attended the Learning Environments conference with colleague Dom Pates. The event was held at the Royal College of Physicians in Regents Park London, with academic and professional delegates from higher education, architect companies, developers, design agencies and furniture manufacturers. A distinguished set of presenters led us through a variety of case studies and research projects…Continue Reading The Design and Management of Learning Environments – ‘Integrated Approaches for Influencing Value and Change’

Designing Learning Environments To Encourage Collaboration – An afternoon fringe event to the Learning Environments Conference

The day before the main Learning Environments conference, Dom Pates and I ran a new Pedagogy of Space workshop, subtitled; ‘Why Do We Put Furniture in a Learning Space?’ This is a new addition to our portfolio of active workshops focussed on learning environment design and development. Our brief to delegates was this, learning environment…Continue Reading Designing Learning Environments To Encourage Collaboration – An afternoon fringe event to the Learning Environments Conference

Calling all bloggers! come do a ‘show off’ at the LEaD blog writing group!

For the past 6 months or so Dom Pates and I have been hosting the LEaD Blog writing group. It’s usually the first week of the month at lunchtime and we’ve varied the day to try and see what timing works for people (and for us!). This year we did some writing exercises inspired by…Continue Reading Calling all bloggers! come do a ‘show off’ at the LEaD blog writing group!

Snakes and ladders, discovering my digital skills and other highlights from EUNIS19

Would you like to play a game? One of my favourite sessions at EUNIS19 was the snakes and ladders game presented by Gill Ferrell and Eleanor Magennis based on the ucisa Learning Spaces toolkit. The presentation showcased some of the spaces in the toolkit and mentioned two items of interest: Research on social learning spaces…Continue Reading Snakes and ladders, discovering my digital skills and other highlights from EUNIS19

Bricks will be replaced by clicks – Campus for the future – EUNIS19

Slide showing diagram of the University of Glasgow's smart campus vision.

“Bricks will be replaced by clicks” they said in the early 2000s, suggesting a move away from physical campuses in favour of more virtual spaces, with campus managers becoming IT managers. Fast forward 19 years and Professor Alexandra den Heijer from TU Delft opens the EUNIS19 congress (view slides) confirming that campuses are still here…Continue Reading Bricks will be replaced by clicks – Campus for the future – EUNIS19