Category: Learning & Teaching

Sketches for a Smart Campus

Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (from Wikipedia, CC-BY-SA)

1/ Been collecting some thoughts on the #intelligentcampus (or #smartcampus, for character brevity) for @JISC’s #codesign16. #learningspaces — Dom Pates (@dompates) November 23, 2016 A few weeks ago, I noticed on Twitter that JISC was asking for contributions on the subject of ‘the intelligent campus’ (or, ‘the smart campus’, as it’s also known). I’ve been…Continue Reading Sketches for a Smart Campus

Reflections on teaching with health service users for the first time

As teachers, we are being asked to include service users, including students or members of the local community, in our teaching and learning activities more and more; however this isn’t necessarily a straightforward process. I wanted to share a recent experience in teaching with service users which I found challenging and from which I learnt a…Continue Reading Reflections on teaching with health service users for the first time

Introducing City’s new flagship lecture theatre

Overview Last month saw the opening of B200, a new lecture theatre in University Building that is set to become one of City’s flagship learning spaces. The theatre is now live, with the first timetabled lectures having already taken place. Explore B200 from a presenter point of view in the 360° photo above. Positioned above…Continue Reading Introducing City’s new flagship lecture theatre

Advent with an Educational Tip until Christmas

Following last year’s Twitter experiment #appventcityunilead, this year, via our Twitter account @CityUniLEaD, we’ll be tweeting an Educational Tip every day at 12 noon with the hashtag #edventcityunilead  until 24th December using a Twitter Scheduler (edvent a play on the word advent, but with no chocolate involved!) It may include a link to a blog…Continue Reading Advent with an Educational Tip until Christmas

Learning with blogs

The theme for this month’s LEaD Writing Group was – Learning with blogs. We explored our own experiences together with observations of how our students have learnt with blogs. A number of themes emerged: Learning through reading Blogs can provide a good source of information and a way to get different views on the world….Continue Reading Learning with blogs

Playful Learning – School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – November 2016

Following the success of the the first two Teaching and Learning Innovators Event in January and May, we as LEaD at SHS put on the 3rd Teaching and Learning Innovators Event on Monday 23rd May 12-1pm, focused around playful learning, 12 people attended. Thank you Rosa Benato for running the session. Below is Rosa’s method…Continue Reading Playful Learning – School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – November 2016

Reflections on remote conferencing

#altc Tweetdeck search

ALT-C (the Association of Learning Technologies Conference) is the UK’s premier gathering of people from across the learning technology spectrum. I attended my first ALT-C in 2014 – a smorgasbord of sectoral experiences and ideas to sample, snack and binge on. In 2016, I was drawn back into its orbit, but via forms of remote…Continue Reading Reflections on remote conferencing

Leading Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education: Report and Interactive Toolkit

Leading Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education, a summary report and interactive toolkit written by Professors Linda Evans and Neil Morris from the University of Leeds. It is a research-informed checklist for stakeholders including institutional leaders and managers, learning technologists, academic developers and e-learning champions, as they prepare for, develop, deliver and evaluate change in…Continue Reading Leading Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education: Report and Interactive Toolkit

Video for learning: new tools for staff

The Educational Technology Team are passionate about helping staff and students at City get the most out of tools for teaching and learning. In particular, this summer we have been working hard to upgrade and improve the Mediaspace platform which allows staff and students to create, publish and share educational video and multimedia. In a…Continue Reading Video for learning: new tools for staff

A group for writing

First Weds and Thurs of every month, in B310

Following this year’s Learning at City conference, a few members of LEaD have set up a writing group. The idea is to provide a supportive community and environment for City academics and Professional Services staff to find some time to write, pick up new tips or techniques, or to gain support in writing for the…Continue Reading A group for writing